A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose.

VALUE SILENCE. The world is noisy, and the significance of silence often goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, beneath the surface of our noisy existence lies a deep force—the power of silence. Silence, far from being a mere absence of sound, holds the possibility of transforming our lives. It serves as a sanctuary for reflection, allowing individuals to…Continue reading A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose.

What happens when one neglects his role as a father?

When a father neglects his role, it can have several negative impacts on the family and children. Some of these include: EMOTIONAL DISTRESS: Children may feel abandoned, neglected, and unloved and can develop lifelong emotional distress and trust issues. BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS: Children may experience behavioural problems like low self-esteem, delinquency, substance abuse, academic problems, aggression,…Continue reading What happens when one neglects his role as a father?