To illustrate the saying; " Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caeser.

Whose Image are you carrying? (Matt. 22:15-22.)

“Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar” is a saying that many Christians build on in order to suit their consciences. Thereby, quoting the Bible verse to compromise or each time they compromised. Majority of Christians have lived wrongly because of the misinterpretation of this statement and God is not pleased with it. The world…Continue reading Whose Image are you carrying? (Matt. 22:15-22.)


Many people love and desire the promises attached to God’s instructions. Some keep claiming the rewards but obedience to His instructions is far from their abode forgetting that every principle has its reward. God is not a Father Christmas; He has rules and regulations, principles and constitution. He is a cheerful giver but doesn’t joke…Continue reading WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS