1. THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION: Encourage your children to take their studies seriously and emphasize the benefits education can provide them in the future.
  2. RESPECT: Teach your children to respect themselves, others, and their cultural heritage.
  3. HARD WORK AND RESILIENCE: Encourage your children to work hard towards their goals and to have the resilience to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  4. SELF-CONFIDENCE: Help your children to develop self-confidence and belief in their abilities.
  5. EMPATHY: Teach your children to empathize with others and to value the importance of kindness, compassion and inclusivity.
  6. CULTURAL TRADITIONS: Ensure your children are grounded in their cultural traditions and heritage.
  7. INDEPENDENCE: Encourage your children to be independent thinkers and entrepreneurs.
  8. RESPONSIBILITIES: Ensure your children are responsible members of their families and the community.
  9. EQUALITY: Teach your children to embrace and promote equality between genders, races, religions, ethnicity, and other social identities. Many of us remember the above but do not bother about number ten which is faith and spirituality.
  10. FAITH AND SPIRITUALITY: Every mother needs to always discuss with their children the importance of faith and spirituality, and how it can help guide them through life’s challenges. Proverb 22:6 will help us to know better. Teach your children how to watch and pray.

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