Say something good into your life daily irrespective of your mood, God hears. Speak to change situations and speak like a child of the most high God.
Category: Trending
ARTIST: Osasere Dandy Edokpayi TITLE: River of pride MEDIUM: Poster colour on cardboard YEAR: 2019 PHOTO SOURCE: Omolola Funmilayo DESCRIPTION: He saw himself drowning in the pool of pride, he couldn’t help himself; but kept sinking. This is a summary of some people’s lives. pray that you would be saved and also help others too.
What is Scripture saying concerning the traits attributed to a Narcissist?
PRIDE AND ARROGANT Starting from the disdainful attitude, unreasonable self-esteem and inordinate self-satisfaction of one’s superiority, wealth, beauty, talent, and position among others are referred to as pride. The doctrine of men had led many people to arrogance and self-importance but the scripture made it clear that Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit…Continue reading What is Scripture saying concerning the traits attributed to a Narcissist?
IS EGOISM A SNARE? (Continuation)Questions That Arises On Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
What is Narcissism? Who can be a Victim of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What are the Character Traits of a Narcissist? What is Narcissism? The word Narcissism is derived from Greek folklore of Narcissus in the late 19th century. It is one of the mental conditions which are regarded as having an excess affection and admiration…Continue reading IS EGOISM A SNARE? (Continuation)Questions That Arises On Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
Is Egoism a Snare? A lesson from the story of Narcissus
Narcissus, in Greek folklore, was the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was known and distinguished for his beauty. According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book III, Narcissus’s mother was told by the blind seer Tiresias that he would live long if he never recognizes himself. Many fell in love with him…Continue reading Is Egoism a Snare? A lesson from the story of Narcissus
There is a feeling and love I have for colour, My heart leaps up when I behold vibrant colours. Personally, while I paint, there came a thought of joy, that I have a gift that no man can give. To every colour i use, I do not stop using the colours but play with it.…Continue reading I LOVE COLOUR
Women are home builders created to help in the ministry of progression. A skillful woman is known as a specially endowed personality that recognizes the divine arrangement of God in the gift obtained. According to Proverbs chapter 13: 10, her price is far above rubies, who can find them? A skillful woman is described as…Continue reading THE SKILLFUL WOMAN
The Productive Mind
Man is born with a gift, usually developed from personal discoveries and challenges. Though our dreams, talents, and desires may differ according to Matthew 25: 15, but God has given every man the opportunity to be productive and to maximize each gift to the greatest peak. In order to exhibit a productive mind, you must…Continue reading The Productive Mind