Fathers are often seen as the breadwinners and providers in the family, however, their role goes beyond just being a provider.

What are the other things a father can do?

  1. DECISION MAKING: They should play an important role in the upbringing and education of their children, involved in making decisions regarding their children’s education and well-being.
  2. INSTILLING DISCIPLINE AND MORAL VALUES: They should teach their children the principle of right and wrong and help shape their character.
  3. They are expected to be involved in their children’s social and emotional development, spending quality time with them, engaging in activities, playing games, and providing emotional support.
  4. BE A ROLE MODEL: They must be a role model to their children, teaching them about responsibility, respect, and hard work.
  5. They should also play a significant role in the spiritual development of their children by leading the family in religious activities, such as praying together or attending religious services. Also, they must strive to pass down their faith and beliefs to their children, ensuring they have a strong spiritual foundation.

In conclusion, fathers are essential members of the family unit. They are not only providers but also play vital roles in the education, discipline, emotional support, and spiritual development of their children.

What happens when you neglect your role as a father? Another person will fill the vacuum.

Then who else can be a father?

Written by Omolola Funmilayo Edokpayi

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