6 things you need to know about time.

A man who was once a King over Israel in Jerusalem preached about time and season after seeking out things done on earth, he concluded that there is time for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). There are many things we need to know about time, which will help us not to take it for granted:

  • Purpose is a carrier of time. I want everyone to understand that every purpose is attached to time. We are living for a purpose and every purpose is a carrier of time including our visions (Habakkuk 2:3), so we need to prepare for the times ahead.
  • Time makes things beautiful. All things become beautiful when actualized at the right time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
  • Time is given to every living being. God has given every one of us a specific time frame to spend on earth: to some, a minute, to some an hour or more, to some a year or more, to some a decade or more, to some centuries, and more. We do not know the actual time given to us until death comes. Yet, time must be taken care of, planned for, and be consciously maximized, so that we will not regret spending it carelessly.
  • Each minute has a purpose to fulfill and accounts will be given on how our time was being spent.
  • Time is a concealer and revealer of things. According to Luke 12:2-3, nothing is hidden that won’t be found out; and every secret will be known. Whatever you say in the dark will be announced in the day, and whatever you whisper in your closet will be shouted from the housetops, it is just a matter of time. Time is capable of revealing things about our lives and people’s nature towards us especially when we are patient enough. likewise, it can cover a lot of things. With time, our wounds can also be healed and pains can be forgotten.

Written by Omolola Funmilayo Ilesanmi.

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