It’s another beautiful day and it is our duty to give Glory to the God of Beauty. I honour the most beautiful God. An old man with no wrinkles. Ageless, Blameless and Spotless, just perfect in all HIS ways. Without eyeglasses, HE views the activities on earth (Psalm 14:2). No microscope can draw His abode closer.

Our Lord and God
The Builder and Makers of Godly Leaders.
HE fathers the fatherless.
The healer, helper, and binder of wounded armies,
Our buckler, deliverer, keeper, lover, master, and teacher.
His mighty word of power has been a tower, pillar, and cover for ages.
Provider of shelters to the needy.
The commander of Holy Shepherd, The Concealer and Revealer of secrets.
His love for us appears to be unquenchable and unbreakable.
His Lordship is uncontrollable and unquestionable.
His power is unbeatable.
The only unshakable God.
Our counselor, creator, instructor, mentor, sailor, and Saviour,
The most beautiful, cheerful, faithful, merciful, powerful, wonderful, wondrous and glorious in all His ways. May HIS name be highly exalted forever and ever.
If you are convinced you can add your words to honor HIM.
I believe it’s not too late to wish you all ‘A HAPPY NEW YEAR.’

Written by Omolola Funmilayo Ilesanmi

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