To illustrate the saying; " Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caeser.

Whose Image are you carrying? (Matt. 22:15-22.)

“Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar” is a saying that many Christians build on in order to suit their consciences. Thereby, quoting the Bible verse to compromise or each time they compromised. Majority of Christians have lived wrongly because of the misinterpretation of this statement and God is not pleased with it. The world wants us to compromise our faith for their own and most of us (Christians) concur. How is it that our tradition is stronger than Jesus in our lives “who is ruling who?”. All in the name of tradition, people quote the verse and compromise their faith, shifting the ground for vanity’s sake. The world is entangling Christians today the same way the Pharisees intended to entangle Jesus even when they knew the truth. In marital relationships, many Christians compromise with their partners and displease God. Jesus is dealing with a principle, which is that when we have a material or anything that has Caesar’s name or image on it, we cannot claim it for heaven. As a Christian, if your life does not resemble Jesus, heaven cannot claim you. Meaning that you bear the world’s image like fornication, bad language, telling of lies and so on. Heaven only claims you if you live a life of purity. Let us put on the image of God.
The question is – whose image are you carrying? The coin was carrying the image and inscription of Caesar that is why Jesus said unto them “give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar” The image you carry determines whom you belong to. If you are carrying anything that belongs to the devil, then you belong to him no matter your service to God. Give what belongs to God to Him, your body and everything you have. You cannot serve two Masters, you cannot be carrying God’s image and at the same time carrying mammon’s image. Kissing the devil, quoting scripture and praying to God with the same mouth (Psalm 50:20), offering tithes and money, lifting unto God, the same hands with which you offer kolanuts to gods offering unto God the same body you use in dancing around the street for gods. Tax is not Caesar’s property. Jesus paying tax is not the problem, the people are only looking for a way to entangle Him.

When will you stop singing the Lord’s song in a strange land and singing a strange song in the Lord’s land? How long will you continue to keep Caesar’s property in your store, hand, life, business, and house?
My Prayer is that ‘Lord will Stamp Your Image permanently on us in Jesus name amen’.

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