How Well Do You Know About Apostle Paul? (1)

Many assumed that Paul means Saul while some believed that his name was changed due to his conversion from Judaism to Christianity, which was not true. Saul was not changed to Paul because of his conversion unlike the changing of Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, Simon to Cephas among others. Paul was actually given a Jewish name (Saul) and also named Paul which was an added name unto him since he was born in Diaspora; it is typical of Jews’ tradition for the Jews born in Diaspora to have two personal names, one Hebrew and another Latin or Greek which was also the case of Saul. The first time he was addressed as Paul was in Acts 13:9; these revealed that he was beforehand known as Paul. However, he was addressed as Saul by Jesus on his way to Damascus (Act 9:4), Ananias addressed him as brother Saul when he was asked to go to the street called straight, in the house of Judas to restore his sight (Act 9:11) and also the Holy Spirit recognized him as Saul when he was about to start his missionary journey (Act. 13:2). The adoption of his Roman name which is Paul was one of the strategies used in his ministry. As the Apostle of the Gentiles, he chose the name for him to be identified among them since it was a name they were familiar with (Romans 11:13 and 1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

According to the description he gave about himself in Acts 22:3, Acts 22:25-29 and Philippians 3:5, he was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, a Roman citizen, and a real Hebrew, He was born in Tarsus, the Roman province of Cilicia and circumcised on the eighth day according to the Jewish tradition. Paul was a powerful man with a great status, influential, significant and considered as one of the great leaders of the early church, his status and citizenship made many to be afraid of him (Act 16:37-39). He was a skillful tent-maker (Acts 18:3) and a prolific writer who touched millions of lives around for Christ, a distinguished personality with different experiences which other apostles never had. He knew all that was essential in the Hellenistic and Jewish world. He went to Jerusalem to study all the law in Jerusalem in the school of Hillel; studied Talmud the Jewish religion; Torah the Jewish law and the Scripture. He was trained by Gamaliel (a notable scholar in the school of Hillel and a teacher of law) (Acts 22:3).

By Omolola Funmilayo Ilesanmi

Painting done by Ojevwe Esther.

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