Many people are too busy and are not conscious of the life God has given to them. Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” When He perceived that virtue went out of Him (Luke 8:45). The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus for healings. He felt it, realized it immediately and understood it amid His busy schedule, the multitude of people, stress, and noise. Jesus was too sensitive that He could notice that someone touched and something left Him. So conscious about His life.

Some Christians have lost their God-given virtue. The devil has tampered with their destiny, husbands, wives, children, marriage, ministry, and glory but they are not still aware due to carelessness, laziness, simplicity, and insensitivity. Thereby carrying faded stars dried anointing, and unclear visions. Some Christian’s lights are going down because someone has touched them. The power of the Holy Spirit can leave one’s life without him or her noticing, thinking all is still intact.

People might surround you. You may think they are friends but their mission is to touch negatively, try you, test the level of your faith and measure your spirituality. Some are cankerworms, palmerworms, caterpillars, and locusts. They creep into you to take your virtue and leave you empty. Some men are around you to take your virginity, quench the fire you light on the altar, lavish your glory, tread your salt under their feet, turn your beauty into ashes and waste your precious time so that your destiny will not be fulfilled. In Luke 8:48, Jesus was eager to know who the person is. The question is…Has anyone touched you?

Some friends, relations and even people around you have touched your life positively and yet, you are not aware.
 The woman with the alabaster box came to touch Jesus for a purpose. She looked out for an opportunity to touch Jesus when there was no multitude to avoid distration. She used her tears and hair to wash Jesus’ feet and anointed them with an expensive perfume. Though these things were precious but didn’t matter to her. She released them to her maker to show how much she was sorry for her sins. Jesus felt her touch and responded, “Your sins are forgiven”.(Luke 7:37 – 49).

If you perceive a positive touch in your life, marriage, ministry, appreciate it, thank God for it. Appreciate those that do not allow you to fall when the ground was slippery. Appreciate God, love people and also beware of dogs and evildoers.
As written in the book of Philippians. 3: 2 “Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh”.

Bible Passage:

Luke 8: 45 – 48

Luke 7:37 – 49

Philippians. 3: 2

Jude 1: 4

By Omolola Funmilayo Ilesanmi

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