A Day of Thick Darkness
A Day of Gloominess
A Day of Clouds
A Day of Calamity
A Day of Mourning
A Day of Destruction
A Day of No Escape for the Wicked

So, make an alarm and tell others that there is a Day of the Lord. Let everyone tremble because the Day of the LORD is at hand (Joel 2:1-12, 30-31).

A Day of Earthquakes, but the LORD will be the hope of His people and the strength of the children of Israel (Joel 3: 14-16).

A Day of Stumbling for the proud and all those who do wickedly.
A Day of Burning, where neither root nor branch will be left.
But unto you who fear the LORD, your name shall be saved (Malachi 4:1-2).

Turn back to the Lord and repent. The Day of the Lord is around the corner. It’s at hand, so be alert. Let us not be caught unprepared in Jesus’ name.

Question: When is the Day of the Lord? Will it occur before or after the Rapture has taken place?

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