What is fatherhood?

Fatherhood can be defined as the state of being a daddy, which includes the responsibilities, roles, and relationships associated with being a parent to one or someone’s children.

Similarly, fatherhood involves caring for, protecting, and nurturing one’s or someone’s children. Providing emotional support, guidance, and discipline, and being actively involved in their development and upbringing.
Fatherhood can also involve providing financial support and being a positive role model. Ultimately, fatherhood is a complex and multifaceted experience that requires commitment, patience, and love.


Various individuals can take on the role of a father figure in someone’s life. These individuals provide guidance, support, and love, regardless of biological or legal ties.
Some examples include:

  1. STEPFATHERS: These are men who enter into a marital or committed relationship with someone who has children from a previous relationship. They often take on the responsibilities and roles of a father, providing love, care, and support to their stepchildren.

2. GRANDFATHERS: In many cultures, grandfathers play a significant role in raising and mentoring their grandchildren. They serve as father figures, passing down wisdom, and providing guidance.

3. UNCLES: In some cases, uncles step in to fulfil the role of a father, especially when a child’s biological father is absent or unavailable. Uncles can offer support, and guidance, and serve as positive male role models.

4. FOSTER OR ADOPTIVE FATHERS: These are men who take on the role of fatherhood for children who are not biologically related to them. They provide a stable and nurturing environment for these children and often become their legal guardians.

5. MENTORS: Some individuals may not be biologically or legally connected, but voluntarily step in as mentors to provide guidance and support to children or young adults who may not have a father figure in their lives.

It’s important to note that being a father is not dependent on biology. Fatherhood is defined by the love, care, and guidance provided to a child, regardless of the nature of the relationship. Many different individuals can step into the role of a father and have a positive impact on a child’s life.
Additionally, to biological or adoptive fathers out there please, work hard to meet the financial needs of your family.
Do not be a monster but a master
Not a rapist, but protect your child.
Do not be a killer but a pillar.
Do not be a liar but be truthful so that you will be able to mentor many generations.
To all Godly fathers and wonderful fathers of faith, I say HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.

By Omolola. F. Edokpayi

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