Time-wasting habits.

Every second count in human life, each minute has a purpose to fulfill and accounts will be given on how our time was being spent. There are a lot of things that take our time from us which we are not aware of; this may cause people not to fulfill God’s purpose. These include gossip, procrastination, complaint, regret.

  • GOSSIP: For many, gossip is a serious struggle. They perform this action regularly without the knowledge that it’s time-wasting. Gossip involves talking about people’s private matters in their absence. You can never please God if you keep on talking about people’s problems not because you want to solve them but to destroy their reputation or gisting about insignificant things. Gossip is known as idle talk and it’s time-wasting.
  • COMPLAINT: Sometimes we express feelings of pain, murmur about our look, stature, and what we lack. Instead of grumbling about the past and what you can do nothing about, go on your knees and tell it to God.
  • PROCRASTINATION: Instead of executing those things committed to us now, we postpone and delay them intentionally due to laziness or fear. The act of procrastination can delay people from reaching their goals on time. You can play good games and see movies but not using the whole day especially when it’s not your major specialization. Listen, choose valuable things over valueless things
  • COMPARISON: Many people have wasted their time to compare. Comparing your gift with another man’s own, wishing you have someone’s kind of status or look. Comparing your head with someone’s head while standing in front of the mirror. Checking people’s status and pictures and wishing you are living their kind of life. My dear, God has made everything beautiful (including you and I) Read Ecclesiastes 3: 11.
  • Regretting and reflecting on past mistakes, pleasing people instead of God are time-wasting. Dressing to impress can bring you depression when your desire is not met.

Time is a gift from God, please, appreciate it. If you have it in abundance, understand it, and use it with wisdom. According to Ecclesiastes 3:1 to everything created by God on Earth, there is a season and time allocated for each, either living or non-living; nothing lasts forever except the word of God.
For every purpose you are to fulfill in life, there is a time to start and time to end. You may not know the actual time given to you, but each time you have the Grace to witness, it’s a privilege. Any opportunity you have to be with people, make it peaceful and pleasant. Note that a time lost can never be regained. Mostly it ends in regret.
The way you spend it determines your future.
Simon Peter had wasted time toiling all night to get fishes but he got nothing until he met Jesus and let down His net at His words saying “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a drought” (Luke 5:4-5). What are those things disturbing or bothering your mind? Tell them to Jesus today, the owner and keeper of time.

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