Lessons learnt during the lockdown.

There are so many lessons learnt during the present lockdown as a result of the coronavirus pandemic:
1) I learnt that it’s not good to be idle, because an idle hand is the devil’s workshop.

2) It teaches us to have reservations, that is, we shouldn’t eat with our ten fingers.

3) It’s a big lesson for the lazy ones. After all, the Bible says, “that if any would not work, neither should he eat”. 2 Thessalonians 3:10B.

4) I also learnt that there are so many fake prophets, and different types of predictions.

5) It teaches us that going to church is just to fellowship with members, after all, we pray at home during this lockdown and God answers our prayers.

6) It’s a very big lesson to everyone that personal hygiene such as constant washing of hands with running water is very important.

7) Using hand sanitizers, face masks, and keeping a social distance when we pay a visit to any sick person.
When there is a need to visit the sick in the hospital, make sure you wash your hands and sanitize them.
Mr. Sola Agidi

I learnt that nothing is unstoppable. I have never believed churches and schools could be closed. I also did not believe that anything can affect d world like this.
           *Olabisi Seun*

I learnt that we should be prudent in our spendings.

No matter how much we complain or soliloquize, the law of the government supercedes our reasons and only God can save us from the law of the government.

Our God is everywhere, not until we go to church before we can serve him in truth and righteousness.
           *Simbo Aroloye*

I learnt how to manage things.
I also learnt that the end is fast approaching.
        *Jane Aroloye*

I learnt how to be economical, to be a giver, and how to manage boredom while in lockdown.

This season gave me a glimpse of rapture.

I saw the relevance of man in the sustenance of the human world.

The continued presence  of “Wet markets” around the globe if not completely abolished, will bring more diseases to humanity.
                 *Sarah Ebie*

I learnt to not rely on one source of income. Hence to develop several means.
        *Joy Babatunde*

I learnt that nothing is permanent, that we should take life easy and live a day at a time.

I learnt not to rely on one source of income, its risky. It’s sad a lot of people have lost their jobs. Let’s try to cultivate the habit of saving, no matter how little. *Bisi*

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