The Productive Mind

Man is born with a gift, usually developed from personal discoveries and challenges. Though our dreams, talents, and desires may differ according to Matthew 25: 15, but God has given every man the opportunity to be productive and to maximize each gift to the greatest peak.

In order to exhibit a productive mind, you must avoid distractions and interferences. Many creative and energetic youths are carried away by physical and spiritual obstacles such as addiction to smoking, bad characters, fornication, (even though they have what it takes to glorify their Maker), thereby jumping the learning process which should be a training ground for a better tomorrow.

Every youth can learn from King David. He was described as a ruddy, good-looking, faithful shepherd boy, skillful player of harp, a mighty valiant man, a man of war and a youth that is prudent in matters. He maximized his talents and time and was given a throne [1samuel 16: 12 -18].

In conclusion, productive minds always strive to think positively about how a problem can be solved. They are problem solvers, not problem creators.

My productive discovery about a productive mind is set in this formula: Productive mind = Identification of problems +Time + Ideas to solve the problems.

By Osasere Dandy Edokpayi

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2 thoughts on “The Productive Mind

  1. This is a powerful article. It is illustrative and easy to comprehend. However, could you be kind and be more elaborate in your writing? Looking forward to reading from you soon.
    Thank you

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