Since! All is gifted,
Black or blonde-both is rated,
Unused or used- it stays still,
But excellence comes-with persistent practice.

Planes fly on air; Artists ply on crafts,
The knitter’s hook loops; the lines come in troops,
But not without knowledge,
Not without skills(artistry).

Skill is an unbeatable army,
But man is wounded by a derelict skill.

One and all is favoured with skills he can mine,
Without being dependent; causes him to dine.

Justified by the weaver’s handiwork is the finesse of the mortals’ fingers.

How awesome is HIS adeptness!
HE who graced the potter with deftness.

Thumb + index + middle + ring + pinky fingers-
all made for aptness.

The SKILL MASTER created them half a score(ten),
For intents-though unequal,
But all ten equal to adroitness,
Two trains in all- five forming each.

The index finger holds the knitter’s yarn,
Its dexterity determines its earn,

The thumb wears the tailor’s thimble,
Quick in movement, spry and nimble,
And with index, skillfully holds the sketcher’s pencil.

Talent is with-IN,
Skill is with-OUT.
Unpracticed, the former fails,
But practiced the former stays.

By Omolade Mayokun Ilesanmi

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3 thoughts on “MINE YOUR SKILLS:

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I will soon do that by God’s grace.

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