More - ArtPreachiate ...making Godly imprint with your skills! Fri, 30 Aug 2024 18:32:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More - ArtPreachiate 32 32 163329395 HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1). Fri, 30 Aug 2024 18:21:44 +0000

LESSON FROM A VEGETABLE VENDOR. Today, I strolled through the market, seeking to buy some essentials. A woman’s stall of fresh vegetables caught my eye. From a distance, the woman looked up from her work and smiled at me, as if she recognized me. I approached the stall, picked up two small assortments of vegetables,…Continue reading HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1).

The post HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1). first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1). appeared first on ArtPreachiate.



Today, I strolled through the market, seeking to buy some essentials. A woman’s stall of fresh vegetables caught my eye. From a distance, the woman looked up from her work and smiled at me, as if she recognized me. I approached the stall, picked up two small assortments of vegetables, and we began to haggle over the price, trying to stay within my budget. After some negotiation, I found the price too high and decided to leave without buying. Later, after purchasing other items, I decided to return to her stall for the vegetables I had previously priced.

As I approached the stall again, she spotted me, recognized me, and smiled warmly. “Welcome back!” she said. Her smile and words provided me with a sense of relief. I told her, “Your price is not fair, and there are others that are cheaper.” She explained why her prices were set that way, and I ended up buying the vegetables. She appreciated my return, which meant a lot to me


While the vegetable seller’s price was not the lowest, her genuine smile and personal touch made the transaction feel more like a friendly exchange than a mere business deal. Her smile left a lasting impression. She didn’t take my initial leaving personal, she didn’t insult or abuse me for leaving and didn’t take my return for granted, unlike some other traders.

She taught me a valuable lesson: despite inflation and economic challenges, we should not let these issues affect our emotions.

We are in a country (Nigeria) where the economy has taken a harsh turn. Market prices are shocking, traders are angry and many people are burdened by recent financial struggles.

In a country facing economic difficulties, your smile and words can become a beacon of hope and solidarity, reminding everyone that compassion can bridge even the toughest times. Bitterness or anger towards clients or customers will not make you richer; it will only make you less appealing, as my husband always says. A smile and a helping hand can make a significant difference.
In the business realm, the way we communicate with our customers can influence their perceptions. Your aggressive words or anger toward them can be detrimental, not only damaging relationships but also harming the long-term success of your business.

(Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.)

Remember, we need one another to grow our businesses. Our price may not be the most favourable, but our words can encourage people to return.


I recently read that chronic bitterness and anger can contribute to health issues such as anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. So, don’t let business challenges or economic crises affect your well-being.

Written and illustrated by Omolola Funmilayo Edokpayi

The post HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1). first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post HOW TO RELATE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS DURING ECONOMIC CRISES (1). appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

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5 Reasons why Good Friday is called Good despite Jesus’ suffering. Fri, 29 Mar 2024 09:41:00 +0000

I have read and heard about the false accusations, the mockery, the lashes, the shame, the pain, and the death yet we still call the Friday a good one. Despite the suffering, I wonder why today is called Good Friday! Are you also in that shoe? Okay, let’s read. This Friday is called “GOOD” because…Continue reading 5 Reasons why Good Friday is called Good despite Jesus’ suffering.

The post 5 Reasons why Good Friday is called Good despite Jesus’ suffering. first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post 5 Reasons why Good Friday is called Good despite Jesus’ suffering. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


I have read and heard about the false accusations, the mockery, the lashes, the shame, the pain, and the death yet we still call the Friday a good one. Despite the suffering, I wonder why today is called Good Friday! Are you also in that shoe? Okay, let’s read.

This Friday is called “GOOD” because of:

  1. The redemption and salvation it brought to mankind: Jesus’ crucifixion and death on Good Friday fulfilled the purpose of His coming to earth. Through His sacrificial death, He paid the price for the sins of humanity, thereby offering redemption and salvation.
    • John. 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  2. The forgiveness of our sins: Through Jesus’ suffering, we were granted the opportunity to receive forgiveness for our sins. Jesus willingly endured the punishment for sins, granting every one of us access to the Father.
    • (Isaiah 53:5). But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
  3. The reconciliation of man with God: On Good Friday, the suffering of Jesus Christ reconciled humanity with God, restoring the broken relationship caused by sin. Through Jesus, we can now have a personal and intimate relationship with the Father.
    • (Romans 5:10). For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
  4. The heavenly access: Jesus’ suffering and death unlocked the way for believers to have direct access to God’s presence. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, believers can now approach God with confidence and commune with Him.
    • (Hebrews 10:19) Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
  5. The victory over death: Although Jesus suffered and died on Good Friday, His resurrection on Easter Sunday demonstrated his victory over sin and death. Through his resurrection, all who accept Jesus Christ untill death have the hope of eternal life.
    • (John 11:25-26).
      • Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
      • And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

All these Bible verses emphasize the profound purpose behind Jesus’ suffering and why Good Friday is called “Good.”

In conclusion, Good Friday is called “good” because it holds great significance and hope for all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord.

If you have any other or more reasons why this Friday is called “good”, you can drop it in the comment section. You can also read more from

By Omolola F. Edokpayi.

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A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose. Mon, 15 Jan 2024 20:36:38 +0000

VALUE SILENCE. The world is noisy, and the significance of silence often goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, beneath the surface of our noisy existence lies a deep force—the power of silence. Silence, far from being a mere absence of sound, holds the possibility of transforming our lives. It serves as a sanctuary for reflection, allowing individuals to…Continue reading A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose.

The post A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose. first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


The world is noisy, and the significance of silence often goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, beneath the surface of our noisy existence lies a deep force—the power of silence. Silence, far from being a mere absence of sound, holds the possibility of transforming our lives. It serves as a sanctuary for reflection, allowing individuals to delve deep into their thoughts and emotions. In this calmness, the mind finds clarity, enabling self-awareness and a heightened sense of mindfulness. One amazing aspect of silence is its ability to communicate without words. In quiet realms, silence echoes unspoken words, yet is deeply heard. There is power in stillness. The world may abuse your moment of silence; however, there is power in it. http://medium.comh/the-value-of-silence-165f624a4672

“A time to keep silent, and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7b).

Speak when it is necessary.


To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


Time is one of the concepts that govern life, dictating when people wake up, go to work, relax, and so on. It is a measure providing structure to our days. Time is a continuous flow that cannot be manipulated or controlled. Time serves as life currency, and its value cannot be overstated. It is a valuable resource, once spent, it cannot be regained. Moreover, it serves as a reminder of the temporary nature of life.


Time allows us to create meaningful connections and memories, leaving a lasting impact on the world. Efficient time management enables productivity and a fulfilling life. The value of time empowers individuals to make conscious choices. So, value time this year and make the most of every moment. Appreciate the present by living with purpose and intention.


Prayer holds a profound power that extends into the realms of personal growth, resilience, and interconnectedness. It is a dialogue with the divine, a personal conversation that allows individuals to express gratitude, seek guidance, and find solace in moments of happiness or discomfort. Prayer is a source of strength in times of adversity. Whether facing personal challenges, illness, or societal turmoil, the act of prayer allows individuals to tap into a reservoir of stability and strength.

Amidst the chaos of daily life, cultivate a sense of inner peace, and take a moment to engage in prayer. Give time for reflection and stillness; it will become a refuge for you in due time. Furthermore, do not forsake the fellowship of the brethren because communal prayers serve as a shared heartbeat. In times of crisis, the unifying power of communal prayer often manifests as a force for positive change and solidarity.

Moreover, giving your life to Christ, walking with and working for Him daily, can positively affect your life because that is when our prayers can be fully answered.

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

1 Peter 3:12

Finally, the year is still young, so embrace the power of silence, value time, and find strength in prayer because these three things will help you in the journey of life.

By Omolola. F. Edokpayi

The post A Journey to Mindfulness and Purpose. first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

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RIVER OF PRIDE Fri, 18 Oct 2019 16:15:07 +0000 ARTIST: Osasere Dandy Edokpayi TITLE: River of pride MEDIUM: Poster colour on cardboard YEAR: 2019 PHOTO SOURCE: Omolola Funmilayo DESCRIPTION: He saw himself drowning in the pool of pride, he couldn’t help himself; but kept sinking. This is a summary of some people’s lives. pray that you would be saved and also help others too.

The post RIVER OF PRIDE first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post RIVER OF PRIDE appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

ARTIST: Osasere Dandy Edokpayi

TITLE: River of pride

MEDIUM: Poster colour on cardboard

YEAR: 2019

PHOTO SOURCE: Omolola Funmilayo

DESCRIPTION: He saw himself drowning in the pool of pride, he couldn’t help himself; but kept sinking. This is a summary of some people’s lives. pray that you would be saved and also help others too.

The post RIVER OF PRIDE first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post RIVER OF PRIDE appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

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God will never leave us naked. Sun, 11 Aug 2019 05:55:20 +0000 The post God will never leave us naked. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


The post God will never leave us naked. first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post God will never leave us naked. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

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