Ministry - ArtPreachiate ...making Godly imprint with your skills! Wed, 22 May 2024 17:27:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ministry - ArtPreachiate 32 32 163329395 HOW THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL LOOK LIKE. Wed, 22 May 2024 17:27:20 +0000

A Day of Thick DarknessA Day of GloominessA Day of CloudsA Day of CalamityA Day of MourningA Day of DestructionA Day of No Escape for the Wicked So, make an alarm and tell others that there is a Day of the Lord. Let everyone tremble because the Day of the LORD is at hand (Joel…Continue reading HOW THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL LOOK LIKE.

The post HOW THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL LOOK LIKE. first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post HOW THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL LOOK LIKE. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


A Day of Thick Darkness
A Day of Gloominess
A Day of Clouds
A Day of Calamity
A Day of Mourning
A Day of Destruction
A Day of No Escape for the Wicked

So, make an alarm and tell others that there is a Day of the Lord. Let everyone tremble because the Day of the LORD is at hand (Joel 2:1-12, 30-31).

A Day of Earthquakes, but the LORD will be the hope of His people and the strength of the children of Israel (Joel 3: 14-16).

A Day of Stumbling for the proud and all those who do wickedly.
A Day of Burning, where neither root nor branch will be left.
But unto you who fear the LORD, your name shall be saved (Malachi 4:1-2).

Turn back to the Lord and repent. The Day of the Lord is around the corner. It’s at hand, so be alert. Let us not be caught unprepared in Jesus’ name.

Question: When is the Day of the Lord? Will it occur before or after the Rapture has taken place?

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What happens when one neglects his role as a father? Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:39:31 +0000

When a father neglects his role, it can have several negative impacts on the family and children. Some of these include: EMOTIONAL DISTRESS: Children may feel abandoned, neglected, and unloved and can develop lifelong emotional distress and trust issues. BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS: Children may experience behavioural problems like low self-esteem, delinquency, substance abuse, academic problems, aggression,…Continue reading What happens when one neglects his role as a father?

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The post What happens when one neglects his role as a father? appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

When a father neglects his role, it can have several negative impacts on the family and children. Some of these include:

  1. EMOTIONAL DISTRESS: Children may feel abandoned, neglected, and unloved and can develop lifelong emotional distress and trust issues.
  2. BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS: Children may experience behavioural problems like low self-esteem, delinquency, substance abuse, academic problems, aggression, and depression.
  3. FINANCIAL ISSUES: Father’s absence may lead to financial instability, poverty, and homelessness in the family.
  4. RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: The absence of a father may hinder the development of a child’s relationship with their family and peers.
  5. HEALTH PROBLEMS: Studies have found that children with absent fathers are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses, developmental problems, and physical injuries.
  6. SOCIAL ISSUES: Fatherlessness is also linked to social issues like crime, teenage pregnancy, and substance abuse.

Therefore, fathers need to fulfil their role in their child’s life for their proper growth and development.

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Quotes on Love (Series 2) Sat, 07 Aug 2021 04:45:30 +0000

Recently, I have been glancing at many write-ups about neglecting, forsaking, and moving away from those who hurt us; we repost these articles on our statuses like perfect beings who have not provoked God and man. Some of us preach more hatred than love and unforgiveness than mercy. Then I thought of this; if God decided…Continue reading Quotes on Love (Series 2)

The post Quotes on Love (Series 2) first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post Quotes on Love (Series 2) appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


Recently, I have been glancing at many write-ups about neglecting, forsaking, and moving away from those who hurt us; we repost these articles on our statuses like perfect beings who have not provoked God and man. Some of us preach more hatred than love and unforgiveness than mercy. Then I thought of this; if God decided to abandon us just because of a mistake, without sending someone to correct us, many of us will not be alive to tell the story of God’s mercies.
We tend to write about people’s mistakes more than their good deeds and hold unto those mistakes as their true character. I know to be http://consistent in love is challenging when our feeling is being hurt, or when we are neglected by someone we love. But God is saying that love is the ultimate no matter what we are confronted with. Jesus pleaded with His Father to forgive those who nailed Him to the cross. He exhibited love after He was bruised, chastised, and wounded. Can we do that?
Another question is: after walking away from those who hurt us, what are our thoughts towards them?
Sometimes we pray that they should regret or suffer their deeds. God never wants us to regret but to repent http://2 peter. 3:9

The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2 Peter. 3:9).

I believe none of us reading this article will like anyone to hold onto our mistakes.
God is love and you cannot embrace love outside Him neither can you seek the best for others without Him because He is the originator of love (1John 4:7).

By Omolola Funmilayo Osasere.


The post Quotes on Love (Series 2) first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post Quotes on Love (Series 2) appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

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Quotes on love (Series 1) Tue, 06 Apr 2021 10:13:58 +0000

The misconception of the word “LOVE” has inflicted pain on many and drag them in mud. Love has been misinterpreted to inordinate affection, because of lack of knowledge. Many have vowed not to show love because of what they have gone through, but when you sincerely know God and study His Word, you will understand…Continue reading Quotes on love (Series 1)

The post Quotes on love (Series 1) first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post Quotes on love (Series 1) appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

The misconception of the word “LOVE” has inflicted pain on many and drag them in mud. Love has been misinterpreted to inordinate affection, because of lack of knowledge. Many have vowed not to show love because of what they have gone through, but when you sincerely know God and study His Word, you will understand what LOVE is and exhibit it as the scripture teaches, no matter what you are passing through.

What you need to know about the word “LOVE”.

Love is synonymous with, affection, admiration, respect, care for, wishing people well, devotion, treasure, cherish, worship, honour, and adore not LUST.

An act of love is obedience to one of God’s commandments.

Only Christ can Love. Only in Him, can we publish Love. Only in Him, can we make it stand. Only in Him, can we enjoy and preach it to all men.

God is not a seasonal lover. So be consistent in love like your father in heaven. Keep loving each other as brothers and sisters (Hebrew 13:1).

Give love another chance, the way Jesus gave you another chance.

Show love, not sword. Love is a virtue. Value it, nurture it.

You cannot make a difference when you are only good to those who give you GOODIES. In Mathew 5:44, Jesus said to love your enemy.

Whenever you gather to gossip, let the topic be Love. Discuss how to love one another not backbiting.

Beyond words, let us express love practically, not by exhibiting immoralities but in Christ Jesus.

Below are images to download

Written and illustrated by Omolola Funmilayo Osasere.

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5 Things to be consistent about as a Christian. Wed, 03 Feb 2021 07:53:01 +0000

Many things may be important but not all are beneficial, thus, we need to pay close attention to some than the others. To be consistent is to make a regular practice of something until it becomes a habit. We need to be consistent about some things not because our flesh enjoys doing them but because…Continue reading 5 Things to be consistent about as a Christian.

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The post 5 Things to be consistent about as a Christian. appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

Many things may be important but not all are beneficial, thus, we need to pay close attention to some than the others.

To be consistent is to make a regular practice of something until it becomes a habit. We need to be consistent about some things not because our flesh enjoys doing them but because they are core ingredients for our walk in life. These things are what we are examining now.


Relationships are very crucial, no man on earth can live in isolation. And our relationship with God is very fundamental to having a successful relationship with a man. If something goes wrong between you and God, something will go wrong between you and your neighbour. Why is this so? We came from God, we take from Him, we were made in His image, we cannot live independently from Him. If we don’t want our lives to be like that of a fish that tries to survive outside water, we need to keep a relationship with God. Jesus tells us in John 15:5 that without Him, we can do nothing; (For better understanding, John 15: 1-7). Also, Proverbs 3:5 admonishes us that we should not be wise in our understanding but that we should acknowledge God in all our ways. The more we relate with God through prayers and the study of His Word, the more we trust in Him, the clearer we hear Him, and the better we become in our endeavours


God wants us to be grateful for every gift and benefit we have received from Him. God sees an ungrateful person as one who is proud and according to His word, He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. I can confidently say that the primary reason God made man is for man to use his life to praise Him. Revelation 4:11 says that all things God created are for His pleasure. Let’s look at it this way, that dream you are pursuing and unhappy that it is yet to be actualized, that achievement or level you feel you should have attained, if there is no breath in you, I know you can’t be thinking of all this. Therefore, the air we are breathing is enough reason to give thanks to God because it is freely given by Him. According to 1Thessalonians 5:18, we can also say that it is the will of God to give thanks in everything, that is, both in good and bad times.


To walk on Earth unhurt, we need to keep the fire of our prayer life burning. Even Jesus, when He was on Earth, He submitted Himself to consistent prayers to His father. A prayerful person is a powerful person therefore, a consistently prayerful person is a consistently powerful person. We can pray about everything. There are no rules for prayer. We communicate with God when we pray; we talk to him and he talks back to us. He constantly wants to hear our voice because we are His children and the works of His hands. 1Thessalonians 5:17 asks us to pray without ceasing. Philippians 4:6 urges us not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything. We stay alert when we pray always (Ephesians 6:18).


God’s word is God’s will. Anything outside His word is not His will. Thus, we need to develop a devoted life of studying His word to maintain a close relationship with Him and do His will. This will help us to overcome distractions that may want to steal our minds away from walking in God’s will. Also, it is only in God’s will can we gradually unravel and fulfill His plan for us as individuals. We will not be walking in our manmade desire, which ends in futility but in His will for us as our maker.


As children of God, we are expected to produce good fruits like our father. Everything about God is good, so, we cannot claim to live a life that speaks otherwise. Our very existence must exhibit the good nature of God. People cannot see God but they see us that claim to be His children. Even when our good life or work is not being appreciated, we should not grow tired because our reward is not with man but with God (Ephesians 6:9). We need to always show love, concern, forgiveness, support to everyone around us. One of the best ways to show love is to tell someone else that Jesus loves them; to evangelize. The greatest love any man can receive is the love of God that is ultimately shown through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to Mark 16:15 and Matthew 5:16, God calls us the light of the world and the good work He expects from us is to preach the gospel. We will be hindering the world from receiving His light if we fail to preach.

The year is still young. I am encouraging you today to make a lifestyle of the habits discussed, only then can you be said to be consistent and you will get good results. If you have not started, it’s not too late to start and if you are already doing any of them, you can do more. Do not forget to include consistency in your New Year resolution

No one can claim to have arrived but we will keep taking those steps to positive growth, one day at a time. God bless you for taking your time to read.

By Joyce Miller.

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