Instructions with promises and rewards (The IPR) - ArtPreachiate ...making Godly imprint with your skills! Thu, 06 Feb 2020 22:38:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instructions with promises and rewards (The IPR) - ArtPreachiate 32 32 163329395 WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS Thu, 06 Feb 2020 21:37:02 +0000

Many people love and desire the promises attached to God’s instructions. Some keep claiming the rewards but obedience to His instructions is far from their abode forgetting that every principle has its reward. God is not a Father Christmas; He has rules and regulations, principles and constitution. He is a cheerful giver but doesn’t joke…Continue reading WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS

The post WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS appeared first on ArtPreachiate.


Many people love and desire the promises attached to God’s instructions. Some keep claiming the rewards but obedience to His instructions is far from their abode forgetting that every principle has its reward. God is not a Father Christmas; He has rules and regulations, principles and constitution. He is a cheerful giver but doesn’t joke with His words. His words are His given instructions, precepts, laws, teachings and counsels.
The scripture made it clear that God respects His words more than His name. He honours those that honour His words and despise those that despise them (1st Samuel 2:30). However, the purpose of these instructions is to guide us daily in the right direction as we journey through life. They are guidelines for a better life. Though the requirement cannot be fulfilled by a natural being, thus there is a need for us to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior and through the help of the Holy Spirit and our faith in God we shall succeed.
Also, they are designed for our good. The word of God is the food our human spirit needs. Jesus came not to destroy the old commandment but to buttress and fulfill them for a better understanding (Matthew 5.17-19). He knew the benefits of obeying GOD’s Instructions that was why He endured and obeyed to the point of death. To keep His commandment is to love HIM dearly and please HIM daily (John 14:15), also the first and second commandments which are His greatest rules are hung and centered on love (Matthew 22, 35. John 13, 34). If you profess that you love God without loving your neighbor, forget it you don’t love God.
There is a reward for every given instruction, at every point of obedience and disobedience. We have to obey Godly instructions not because of the promises attached to them but because of the love and fear you have for Him. There is no point reading, quoting and teaching His commandments without obeying them because the divine documents (God’s Instructions) are meant to be observed, meditated upon, kept, obeyed and taught. We all need to know that nothing can stand the test of time like God’s word (John 12:50). Heaven and earth will pass but the word of God shall abide forever.

By: Omolola Funmilayo Ilesanmi

The post WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS first appeared on ArtPreachiate.

The post WHY WE NEED TO OBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS appeared first on ArtPreachiate.

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